misc example code: pca.pyΒΆ

(Source code)

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# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 SCoT Development Team

"""This example demonstrates that it is possible to reconstruct sources even if
we include PCA in the process.

from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np

from scot.pca import pca
from scot.var import VAR

# Set random seed for repeatable results

# Generate data from a VAR(1) process
model0 = VAR(1)
model0.coef = np.array([[0.3, -0.6], [0, -0.9]])
x = model0.simulate(10000).squeeze()

# Transform data with PCA
w, v = pca(x)
y = np.dot(w.T, x)

# Verify that transformed data y is decorrelated
print('Covariance of x:\n', np.cov(x.squeeze()))
print('\nCovariance of y:\n', np.cov(y.squeeze()))

model1, model2 = VAR(1), VAR(1)

# Fit model1 to the original data

# Fit model2 to the PCA transformed data

# The coefficients estimated on x (2) are exactly equal to the back-transformed
# coefficients estimated on y (4)
print('\n(1) True VAR coefficients:\n', model0.coef)
print('\n(2) VAR coefficients estimated on x:\n', model1.coef)
print('\n(3) VAR coefficients estimated on y:\n', model2.coef)
print('\n(4) VAR coefficients estimated on y and transformed back:\n',

print('\n(5) Check if (2) and (4) are equal:\n',
      np.isclose(model1.coef, w.dot(model2.coef).dot(w.T)))