This example shows how to decompose EEG signals into source activations with
CSPVARICA, and subsequently extract single-trial connectivity as features for
LDA classification.
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
try: # new in sklearn 0.19
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
except ImportError:
from sklearn.lda import LDA
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
import scot.xvschema
# The data set contains a continuous 45 channel EEG recording of a motor
# imagery experiment. The data was preprocessed to reduce eye movement
# artifacts and resampled to a sampling rate of 100 Hz. With a visual cue, the
# subject was instructed to perform either hand or foot motor imagery. The
# trigger time points of the cues are stored in 'triggers', and 'classes'
# contains the class labels. Duration of the motor imagery period was
# approximately six seconds.
from scot.datasets import fetch
midata = fetch("mi")[0]
raweeg = midata["eeg"]
triggers = midata["triggers"]
classes = midata["labels"]
fs = midata["fs"]
locs = midata["locations"]
# Set random seed for repeatable results
# Switch backend to scikit-learn
# Set up analysis object
# We simply choose a VAR model order of 30, and reduction to 4 components.
ws = scot.Workspace({'model_order': 30}, reducedim=4, fs=fs)
freq = np.linspace(0, fs, ws.nfft_)
# Prepare data
# Here we cut out segments from 3s to 4s after each trigger. This is right in
# the middle of the motor imagery period.
data = scot.datatools.cut_segments(raweeg, triggers, 3 * fs, 4 * fs)
# Initialize cross-validation
nfolds = 10
kf = KFold(n_splits=nfolds)
# LDA requires numeric class labels
cl = np.unique(classes)
classids = np.array([dict(zip(cl, range(len(cl))))[c] for c in classes])
# Perform cross-validation
lda = LDA()
cm = np.zeros((2, 2))
fold = 0
for train, test in kf.split(data):
fold += 1
ws.set_data(data[train, :, :], classes[train])
# Find optimal regularization parameter for single-trial fitting
# ws.var_.xvschema = scot.xvschema.singletrial
# ws.optimize_var()
ws.var_.delta = 1
# Single-trial fitting and feature extraction
features = np.zeros((len(triggers), 32))
for t in range(len(triggers)):
print('Fold {:2d}/{:2d}, trial: {:d} '.format(fold, nfolds, t),
ws.set_data(data[t, :, :])
con = ws.get_connectivity('ffPDC')
alpha = np.mean(con[:, :, np.logical_and(7 < freq, freq < 13)], axis=2)
beta = np.mean(con[:, :, np.logical_and(15 < freq, freq < 25)], axis=2)
features[t, :] = np.array([alpha, beta]).flatten()
lda.fit(features[train, :], classids[train])
acc_train = lda.score(features[train, :], classids[train])
acc_test = lda.score(features[test, :], classids[test])
print('Fold {:2d}/{:2d}, '
'acc train: {:.3f}, '
'acc test: {:.3f}'.format(fold, nfolds, acc_train, acc_test))
pred = lda.predict(features[test, :])
cm += confusion_matrix(classids[test], pred)
print('\nConfusion Matrix:\n', cm)
print('\nTotal Accuracy: {:.3f}'.format(np.sum(np.diag(cm))/np.sum(cm)))