misc example code: circular.py

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(png, hires.png, pdf)


(png, hires.png, pdf)

This example shows how to decompose EEG signals into source activations with
CSPVARICA and visualize connectivity.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import scot
from scot.utils import cuthill_mckee
from scot.eegtopo.topoplot import Topoplot
from scot import plotting

# The data set contains a continuous 45 channel EEG recording of a motor
# imagery experiment. The data was preprocessed to reduce eye movement
# artifacts and resampled to a sampling rate of 100 Hz. With a visual cue, the
# subject was instructed to perform either hand or foot motor imagery. The
# trigger time points of the cues are stored in 'triggers', and 'classes'
# contains the class labels. Duration of the motor imagery period was
# approximately six seconds.
from scot.datasets import fetch

midata = fetch("mi")[0]

raweeg = midata["eeg"]
triggers = midata["triggers"]
classes = midata["labels"]
fs = midata["fs"]
locs = midata["locations"]

# Set random seed for repeatable results

# Prepare data
# Here we cut out segments from 2s to 5s after each trigger. This is right in
# the middle of the motor imagery period.
data = scot.datatools.cut_segments(raweeg, triggers, 2 * fs, 5 * fs)

# Set up analysis object
# We simply choose a VAR model order of 30, and reduction to 15 components.
ws = scot.Workspace({'model_order': 30}, reducedim=15, fs=fs, locations=locs)

ws.set_data(data, classes)

# Connectivity analysis
# Extract the full frequency directed transfer function (ffDTF) from the
# activations of each class and calculate the average value over the alpha band
# (8-12 Hz).

freq = np.linspace(0, fs, ws.nfft_)
alpha, beta = {}, {}
for c in np.unique(classes):
    con = ws.get_connectivity('ffDTF')
    alpha[c] = np.mean(con[:, :, np.logical_and(8 < freq, freq < 12)], axis=2)

# Prepare topography plots
topo = Topoplot()
mixmaps = plotting.prepare_topoplots(topo, ws.mixing_)

# Force diagonal (self-connectivity) to 0
np.fill_diagonal(alpha['hand'], 0)
np.fill_diagonal(alpha['foot'], 0)

order = None
for cls in ['hand', 'foot']:
    np.fill_diagonal(alpha[cls], 0)

    w = alpha[cls]
    m = alpha[cls] > 4

    # use same ordering of components for each class
    if not order:
        order = cuthill_mckee(m)

    # fixed color, but alpha varies with connectivity strength
    r = np.ones(w.shape)
    g = np.zeros(w.shape)
    b = np.zeros(w.shape)
    a = (alpha[cls]-4) / max(np.max(alpha['hand']-4), np.max(alpha['foot']-4))
    c = np.dstack([r, g, b, a])

    plotting.plot_circular(colors=c, widths=w, mask=m, topo=topo,
                           topomaps=mixmaps, order=order)
